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Browse our full range of professional quality and practitioner-grade products.
Please note that some of our practitioner-grade products require a consultation or referral to be able to purchase. You can read more about this here
Our professional quality brands that do not require consultation or a referral include Thorne, Seeking Health, Bulletproof, MitoQ, Tru Niagen, Clinicians and Poliquin are available to everyone without a referral or consultation.
Please note that some of our practitioner-grade products require a consultation or referral to be able to purchase. You can read more about this here
Our professional quality brands that do not require consultation or a referral include Thorne, Seeking Health, Bulletproof, MitoQ, Tru Niagen, Clinicians and Poliquin are available to everyone without a referral or consultation.
Zinc Picolinate (25mg)
Thorne Research
Basica Inner Balance (Formally ActivE)
Histamine Digest - 90 Capsules
Seeking Health
ProBiota HistaminX
Seeking Health
Designs for Health
Healthy Fiber
Healthy Origins
Microbiome Labs
Magnesium Glycinate (120mg)
Pure Encapsulations
Multivitamin One
Seeking Health
Magnesium Glycinate
Douglas Laboratories
Saccharomyces Boulardii
Seeking Health
Magnesium Diasporal
Zinc Picolinate 15mg
Thorne Research
RN Labs
Basic Prenatal
Thorne Research
MitoQ Pure
Magnesium CitraMate
Thorne Research
Whole Body Collagen
Designs for Health
Zinc Carnosine
Seeking Health