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Inositol - US

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Vendor: Designs for Health

Product Details

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  • Complimentary Consultation (Up to 15 mins - Free): A quick phone call to ensure the product suits your needs. Ideal if you know which supplements you want. Request your free consultation.
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      Looking for Personalized Health Guidance?

      • Warrant of Health Consultation (Up to 60 mins - Paid): This comprehensive service is designed for individuals seeking specific health recommendations for conditions or issues. Available via video conference, phone call, in person or email. For tailored health advice and building of a plan book here.

      120 Caps 

      Inositol is one of the most versatile nutrients for promoting mental and emotional wellness, overall relaxation, healthy eating patterns, and restful sleep via its role in neurotransmitter messaging.1 Additionally, it is a crucial nutrient for promoting female hormonal health through its role in supporting optimal liver function.1 Inositol helps maintain the proper metabolism of serotonin, and by so doing may help improve conditions that involve poor serotonin function or insufficient levels, including depression and insomnia. Designs for Health’s Inositol is available in both capsule and powder form, delivering 900 mg inositol per 1 capsule serving, and 700 mg per ¼ teaspoon powder serving.

      Inositol may help:

      • PCOS, PMS, fibroids, and other conditions associated with female hormonal imbalance

      • Promote proper function of thyroid hormone, assisting in improving blood markers associated with autoimmune thyroiditis and subclinical hypothyroidism

      • Support normal insulin sensitivity and healthy blood sugar metabolism

      • Support normal blood sugar markers that are associated with metabolic diseases such as metabolic syndrome

      • Reduce incidence of gestational diabetes development

      • Promote restful sleep

      • Support healthy mood and cognitive function

