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MANPOWER | Testicles, Heart, Liver

Regular price $62.00 Sale

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Vendor: Home Grown Primal

Product Details

Looking for additional guidence on your health journey? Here's how we can help.

  • Complimentary Consultation (Up to 15 mins - Free): A quick phone call to ensure the product suits your needs. Ideal if you know which supplements you want. Request your free consultation.

      Looking for Personalized Health Guidance?

      • Warrant of Health Consultation (Up to 60 mins - Paid): This comprehensive service is designed for individuals seeking specific health recommendations for conditions or issues. Available via video conference, phone call, in person or email. For tailored health advice and building of a plan book here.

      180 Capsules

      The 'men's mix' is made from 100% NZ grass-fed, grass-finished beef organs and glands, sourced from the pristine pastures of New Zealand. 

      Contains desiccated freeze dried:

      • Testicles are a rich source of essential fatty acids, selenium.
      • Heart carries the enzyme CoQ10, which may support heart health, mood and reproductive health.
      • Liver is packed with vitamins A, D, E, K2, riboflavin, B12, and choline.
