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PrebioMed XOS

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Vendor: Designs for Health

Product Details

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      Looking for Personalized Health Guidance?

      • Warrant of Health Consultation (Up to 60 mins - Paid): This comprehensive service is designed for individuals seeking specific health recommendations for conditions or issues. Available via video conference, phone call, in person or email. For tailored health advice and building of a plan book here.

      60 Capsules

      PrebioMed XOS is a synbiotic blend of 1 gram of xyloologogiosaccharide (XOS) prebiotics and 10 billion colony-forming units (CFUs) of Bifidobacteria probiotics for supporting a healthy microbiome and optimizing gastrointestinal health.

      This unique combination helps stimulate the growth of health-promoting bacterial strains with a newly researched prebiotic that offers superior effectiveness in small quantities to minimize common side effects of prebiotics.

      It also includes five of the most highly researched Bifidobacteria strains chosen for their exceptional survivability through the gastrointestinal tract and their ability to attach to the intestinal walls.

      • DAIRY FREE
      • SOY FREE
      • NON-GMO
      • VEGAN