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Optimal Prenatal

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  • Complimentary Consultation (Up to 15 mins - Free): A quick phone call to ensure the product suits your needs. Ideal if you know which supplements you want. Request your free consultation.

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      • Warrant of Health Consultation (Up to 60 mins - Paid): This comprehensive service is designed for individuals seeking specific health recommendations for conditions or issues. Available via video conference, phone call, in person or email. For tailored health advice and building of a plan book here.

      240 Capsules

      Key Benefits and Actions

      • Includes active folates to help support healthy fetal development
      • May help support healthy methylation processes
      • May help support a healthy immune system
      • Includes active B6 and ginger to support digestive comfort

      Optimal Prenatal Capsules by Seeking Health provide a comprehensive prenatal formula with a unique blend of amino acids, chelated minerals, and vitamins designed to meet the high nutritional needs of women who are pregnant or preparing for pregnancy. While this nutrient blend is specifically formulated to support healthy fetal development and prenatal nutrition, Optimal Prenatal Capsules may also be taken whenever the supplemental need for a potent and pure multivitamin exists. 

      This complex formula is made with careful consideration for not only the increased demand for certain nutrients, but also for digestive sensitivity that can occur during pregnancy. This product contains L-5-MTHF, the most biologically available form of folate, which is essential to support healthy cognitive development. Optimal Prenatal also provides folinic acid, a non-methylated form of folate that can be easily converted to coenzyme forms within the body. This optimal blend of folates may work in conjunction with amino acids, chelated minerals, and other B vitamins to support normal cell growth and cardiovascular, neurologic and immune health. 

      Optimal Prenatal Capsules also contain two active coenzyme forms of vitamin B12: methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin, which may help support healthy fetal development, energy metabolism and the methylation process. The well-balanced vitamin B complex is complete with active forms of riboflavin and B6, plus additional biotin to support healthy growth and development. Biotin may also help support healthy skin, hair and nails. Both vitamin B6 and ginger extract are special features of this formula, supporting digestive comfort.

      Please note:  Seeking Health don't include iron in their prenatal formulations. Rationale: Prenatals often contain a standard dose of iron that may work for some but not others and it can be finicky trying to find the right type of iron and dosage that works gently. Instead, Seeking Health has created Optimal Iron as an ideal choice to take alongside their Optimal prenatal if you need to support healthy iron levels. Seeking Health's Optimal Iron provides targeted nutrients that help the body absorb and utilise ferric glycinate, a form of iron that is known to be gentle on the stomach and well-tolerated for individuals who are sensitive to iron supplementation.

      Vitamin A is included in two forms: beta-carotene and retinyl palmitate, to help support those who have trouble converting "provitamin" A compounds (such as beta-carotene) into the active retinyl/retinol forms. Vitamin C and coenzyme Q10 provide antioxidant support, supporting a healthy immune system and cellular integrity. Red raspberry leaf has historically been used as a tonic for pregnant women to help support circulation, uterine comfort and digestion. Trace minerals are included in their chelated forms, as amino acid-chelated minerals are typically well-absorbed and may be more easily tolerated than alternative supplemental forms. Betaine HCl is also added to support healthy digestion and optimize absorption of nutrients.
